Project Henchman is an unannounced indie video game developed by Shadow Duck Studio.
Q2 2024 - Present

This page is updated as development continues. Page Last Updated - 21/06/2024

Week 1 - W/C 03/06/2024

The 12-person team met on-site to discuss roles, team structure and the game concept and audience. I was elected as Lead Programmer to work with three technical designers and two generalist designers, reporting to the Producer/Project Manager.

I introduced the team to Jira for Scrum and was assigned as a Jira Admin. We planned 1-week sprints, with a Scrum meeting to start each sprint plus Review and Retrospective meetings after, all in-person.

I also took responsibility for overseeing the team's GitHub source control. The team required a hybrid working style, so this exacerbated the need for seamless simultaneous work.

I remained on-hand throughout the project to help resolve merge conflicts as well as ensure they are prevented, especially in the case of binary files that cannot be merged easily (e.g. Unreal Blueprints). I addressed this through our sprint planning by ensuring we avoided assigning work in the same script to multiple workers, while requiring assignment of reviewers and plenty of testing of pull requests before merges.