
FootballPsycTest is a 3D sports training simulator designed to aid in assessing the psychology of athletes. Developed by The Alchemy Lab.
Q1 2024 - Present

This is an ongoing, commercial project by The Alchemy Lab for a client. Due to this, offering public access to the full source code is not possible.

This page presents an overview of the entire development process, and is updated as development continues. Page Last Updated - 28/05/2024


This project page essentially houses two projects: the PC (Windows) proof-of-concept that won the commercial deal with the client, and the subsequent VR port.

The simulator immerses the player/subject in a typical UK sport training environment, presenting them with sport-adapted versions of domain-general psychology tests, and measures the subject’s responses in a variety of metrics. The measured data is exported in log files so that researchers can analyse it and draw conclusions.

FootballPsycTest was developed by The Alchemy Lab, consisting of a concept artist, a technical artist, a designer, and Cameron McKinney as the programmer. This page will focus on Cameron’s contributions and perspective of the project.

Project Overview - PC (Windows) Prototype

The prototype was developed for the benefit of a client specialising in sport psychology, who pitched the concept via video briefing to the team. The client explained the intended purpose of the concept and gave specific requirements while also leaving areas open to the team’s input. A week of research later, the team presented their own pitch to the client in-person. This was a culmination of interpretations of the concept from both the client’s sport psychology perspective and the team’s game development perspective. Feedback was shared between all parties to refine the concept.

This brief required a training simulation – playable on the Windows operating system – that takes place in a football training ground and presents a series of interactive targets and challenges to the user in order to measure metrics on the user's executive functions, such as inhibition. The prototype would demonstrate the value of the concept and justify the development of a full version including a port to VR for increased immersion.

The team were also made aware of an opportunity to secure funding for further development past the prototype stage, which would take place onwards of March 2024. If the PC/Windows project could be made playable on the Meta Quest 2 virtual reality platform, the client may offer funded development. Thus, while the game prototype was targeted for Windows, all project and design decisions also ensured a port to both standalone and tethered virtual reality was possible.

FootballPsycTest PC Prototype was then developed in six working weeks. After development, the team demonstrated the prototype to the client along with a presentation outlining the development process.