Liftraptors is a 2D arcade shooter video game in development by Cameron.McKinney.Prog for Windows.
Q2 2024 - Present

This is an ongoing solo project to reproduce an already complete game from scratch.

This page presents an overview of the entire development process, and is updated as development continues. Page Last Updated - 29/05/2024


I am a game programmer and have no formal legal training.  I have no intention of making commercial gain or breaching or misusing copyright notices, intellectual properties or any other legal entities due to this project.

Liftraptors is the product of a programmer's passion project and in no way intends to infringe any requirements or restrictions set out by Vlambeer, Devolver Digital, or Sony. Liftraptors and Cameron.McKinney.Prog are not endorsed by or affiliated with Vlambeer, Devolver Digital, or Sony.

Choosing raylib

I selected the free and open source raylib to act as the core library for this project primarily due to the creator's philosophy:

raylib is a programming library to enjoy videogames programming; no fancy interface, no visual helpers, no gui tools or editors... just coding in pure spartan-programmers way.

The purpose of this project, besides personal entertainment, is to strengthen my grasp of more advanced C++ techniques for game development. So, while opting to avoid conventional game engines may seem like shooting myself in the foot at first, I strongly believe that use of a library like raylib strikes a better balance for learning.

The library provides most basic functions needed for game development, while still requiring nearly all high-level elements such as GameObjects or Scenes to be coded manually. I see this as an opportunity to gain hands-on appreciation for many of the features that game engines handle automatically.

Latest Update

Successfully compiled & run a C++ raylib project in Visual Studio 2022.

Created a Setup project for creating LiftraptorsInstaller.msi file.

Successfully installed, run, and uninstalled Liftraptors on my local machine as well as an external machine.

Felt this deserved a gif, see below.

(It's pronounced "giff"... the way 'g' for 'Graphics' is pronounced...) :D